(£££) *** We were pleasantly surprised with an
al fresco lunch at La Raza (Rose Crescent), the only establishment serving decent tapas in the city. By contrast to The Bun Shop/'Alchemy' Bistro's greasy, unimaginative tapas, or the defrosted bits of rubbish La Tasca attempts to pass off as food, La Raza serves fresh, innovative dishes using seasonal ingredients. A plate of baked figs with goat's cheese was the perfect dish for late September. The fact that we felt quite well-fed with only this and a plate of bruschetta with copious tomato and pesto salsa is testament to the entirely adequate size of La Raza's portions. All this comes at a price, however, and this moderate meal for two with two glasses of house wine set us back well over £30. In the warmer months, La Raza is an outdoor cafe in the busy Rose Crescent. La Raza's other reincarnation is as a very stylish basement nightclub, where this excellent food is also served. (reviewed separately under Nightlife).