(£££) * Following the unfortunate dismantling of the friendly old Town and Gown, the premises at Pound Hill briefly became a venture known as the Rope and Twine. We re-discovered it with most recently with great expectation as a Chinese cuisine-cum-real ale establishment, The Sino Tap. Initially, the combination seemed quite promising - we looked forward to gourmet Chinese cuisine similar to the likes of that at Peking (Burleigh Street), but a bit less expensive, with a good selection of beers to accompany it. We were sorely disappointed. We were served tiny, overpriced portions of gloopy, unimaginative pan-Chinese fare, and the one real ale from the miniscule selection available proved to have run out. In the end, our meal was so unsatisfactory we went down the road for another lunch at the Castle Inn (Castle Hill).
Don't go here...seriously. When I was there last, the owner's dog started licking the beer taps. Urgh.
Only redeeming feature: It never seems to shut. Although when the health authorities read this it might do permanently!!!
Hi, why can you tell us your name?! The dog is fantastic, the food is always good - the best in Cambridge! Please don’t show your face there; but advising general public is out of order. In fact, we are there all the time; we love the dog and we like the relaxing, friendly atmosphere.
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